Rent Zacuto Double Barrel Shoulder Rig with Follow Focus
By Zacuto
Zacuto Double Barrel Handheld Rig Package Includes:
Zacuto DSLR Baseplate
Shoulder Pad
Zacuto Articulating Arm Mount
Z-Focus Follow Focus
Z-Finder Pro 3X Optical Viewfinder
Zacuto Counter Weight
2 x Zacuto 12″ Rods
2 x Zacuto Z-Grip Handles
4 x Zacuto 3.5″ Rods
*Custom Build Available Upon Request
Our standard 1 day rental period is 48 hours.
Weekend rentals are billed as a 1 day rental, Friday to Monday!
Replacement Value: $1500
Frequently Rented With
Details and Specs
The Double Barrel is a shoulder mounted dual handheld system that uses our DSLR baseplate. This kit works on any DSLR camera with or without battery grips as it is infinitely adjustable in height. The baseplate attaches to your tripod plate using the standard tripod plate screws; (2) ¼ 20” and (1) 3/8 16”. Your camera can also be quickly released from the rig by turning the red knob then pulling up on your camera. The camera quick release plate stays mounted to your camera so you can quickly switch between using the camera as part of a rig or on its own.
The Double Barrel uses our shoulder pad and 7lb. counter balance weight so you have a fully balanced rig. A fully balanced rig lessens fatigue as you will not be fighting the front heaviness of the rig. The rig can be configured for use on the left or right shoulder. This rig differs from the Fast Draw as it includes our dual handgrip system, our DSLR handle for shooting in low mode and our Z-Finder Pro 2.5x. The Z-Finder Pro 2.5x mounting frame attaches to the camera quick release plate using two thumb screws. The mounting frame does not attach to your LCD; it has a rubber back and simply sets or hovers over your LCD screen. This method allows you to quickly remove the Z-Finder by snapping it off the frame. If you want to remove the entire mounting frame, you can do so by loosening the thumb screws and pulling up on the metal mounting frame to release it.
The Double Barrel also includes our follow focus unit. The .8 pitch Zipgear Universal fits one lens by cutting the strand to fit your lens and connecting the strand together by using the included housing and allen key. The follow focus slides on the rods and the follow focus gear makes contact with the Zipgear allowing you to pull focus. If you require the use of other lenses with the follow focus, you must purchase additional ZipGears for each lens. The Double Barrel includes a set of 4 Zipgears.
As with all Zacuto gear, you can quickly release the shoulder mounted components and use the rig on a tripod.
Rent the Zacuto Double Barrel Shoulder Rig at Deck Hand Camera Rentals Today!